Skill training and education is not very popular in our country, consequently a miniscule percentage of the population has formal skill training. As a result industrial installation face acute shortage of skilled work force and the productivity levels are very low as compared to the other countries. The huge young populace is looking forward to a livelihood opportunity. Hence skill development has acquired utmost priority in the economic scenario of our country. This is imperative for economic development as well as the aspirations of lifestyle, quality of education, better payments in employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. It helps the country to take advantage of the demographic dividend. India has an opportunity to provide skilled man power to the countries with ageing population.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is a bellwether outcome-based skill development initiative of the new Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). In the endeavor to make the youth of India employable, it aims to mobilize and develop a large number of the populace. Under this scheme, monetary rewards were being provided to the successfully certified candidates. The training and assessment were to be conducted through affiliated training and separate assessment partners. Acquisition of higher quality skills across various industrial sectors would increase the productivity of the work force manifold. The scheme aims at shifting the focus from input based trainings to outcome based ones. It also aims to scale up the skill and training infrastructure and delivery across the nation without compromising on quality. Institutional arrangements under PPP model, like NSDC, SSCs, Assessing Agencies and Training Partners have already been set up for brining the scheme to life.



The objective of this Scheme is to encourage skill development for youth by providing monetary rewards for successful completion of approved training programs. Specifically, the Scheme aims to: